Why Music Therapy Is So Important?

Why Music Therapy Is So Important?

Historical References:

The history of Music therapy can be traced back in Greek mythology, philosophy and native American culture also in our Indian culture. Music therapy was a prominent resource of healing during World War I & II. During these two historical wars volunteers used to sing
musics for the wounded soldiers. Doctors have noticed significant improvement in their health condition also the wounded warriors felt less pain. Later on various studies revealed how music therapy relaxed the body, replaces tension from one’s mind.

In India:

Music therapy is a commonly heater phrase though not much in vogue in India. The idea was popularised in South India by Mangalpalli Balamuralikrishna. Raga Chikitsha of Spiritual guru Ganapati Satchidananda of Mysore has to be mentioned here. He used original
sanskrit treaties that dealt with curative ragas with mood-enhancing characteristics and used it clinically. Indian vedic text Samaveda purely deals with music. It shows perfect chant with apt stress on each syllable has its own power.

Music Therapy in today’s world:

In today’s world, physicians, surgeons, psychiatrists, psychologists all are seeking help of music therapists. Its now one short of profession. Basically they assess the health condition of the patient, then they recommend which kind of raga or instrument would help the patient.
Instruments provide a nonstop musical pleasure while vocal music has its own spiritual element through its lyrical content. ‘Melodic Intonation Therapy’ is used to correct speech disorder. In some hospitals even in India, mellow music is played to divert and relax the
patients, those are suffering from behavioral disorders like schizophrenia, anxiety, autism etc.


Aristotle described music as a force to purifiy emotion. Father of modern music Hippocrates is said to have been playing music to treat mental patients. Now, the practice of music therapy is flourishing in western countries. In countries like UK, USA, music therapists even
have their own organisation named Association of Music Therapy (AMTA). In India this field is yet to get flourished. In near future we are expected to see music therapy as a form of healing treatment in India too.

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